What sets “Help Me Find My Baby .Com” apart from other missing dog services?

 Our personalized approach is what truly distinguishes us. We tailor our services to meet the needs of every single unique case individually by providing one-on-one communication and support with our clients. We include you in everything we do.

How does your service work?

   When your dog goes missing and you reach out to us, We gather specific information about your dog, including photos, videos, and descriptions along with all incident details and we then create very moving digital designs that you can share too. Our team then conducts targeted searches, leveraging social media on various platforms, local communities, humane societies, animal shelters, fosters, and rescues. We also dive deep into various websites and resources within our huge extended database. 

What happens If you don't find my dog?

  We never give up!!  We will never keep scrolling if we come across a possibility. If your contact information is up to date then you will be contacted.

What happens if you do find my dog? Do you charge a reward fee?

  Yes. We charge a 50% reward fee if we find your dog through someone else's post. It's only fair to pay the person who also posted the dog as well. It would be kind of rude to just pull up and get your dog from them without offering to pay them. Most goodhearted people will say " No, no, that's ok, don't worry about it."  Or "You don't have to do that". That's when we recommend that you take the cash and let them see you stash it as you are leaving and ride out. You never know what people go through and they just saved you and your dog. Priceless!!

  If we locate your dog through our techniques, we only charge 70% because you may want to buy your sweet baby something cool now that they are home.

  Thanks for visiting!

We look forward to working with you and mending you to the other half of your broken heart!